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Garden Lust: Houseplant Heaven
I have enough plants... said no one ever

Snake Plant
Virtually Indestructible
The sansevieria, or snake plant, is a low-maintenance house plant that comes in many varieties, all of which are content in either direct sunlight or full shade. This, along with low water needs, makes them the perfect plant for winter since they don’t need to move to a brighter spot when light levels drop.

Thrives on Neglect
Succulents are beloved for their sturdiness and minimal level of care. These desert dwellers are accustomed to arid climates, so they won’t mind the dryness indoors during the winter. They do require at least four hours of direct sunlight a day and will not survive in a dark space.

ZZ Plant
Beautiful & Dependable
ZZ plants are easy to care for and adaptable to almost all growing conditions. They are ideal for winter months because of their ability to survive with little to no light. That coupled with their infrequent watering makes them great for people who travel during the winter months.